Overhead Banner Structures
We provide three different systems on which to hang large overhead banners at events. All three systems share a common component: horizontal truss pieces that are bolted together to form a structure. The systems differ by the manner in which the horizontal section is supported. We offer three vertical systems of support: a vertical truss and base plate system, mechanical genie lifts and common scaffolding. Each has its advantages and all are effective and proven methods of displaying overhead banners at events.
Truss Structures
Our most commonly used structure is a truss structure. Vertical sections of truss are attached to heavy duty metal base plates on the ground. The horizontal square truss pieces are then bolted to the vertical sections. Two vertical supports on either side allow for vertical banners to be draped from the top of the structure or banners can be hung from the inside of the structure so the truss is exposed. Click here to view our truss structures page.
Genie Lift Structures
Genie lifts are outfitted with forks that fit into the truss and can be lifted to a height by means of a mechanical crank. The lifts can raise the truss from the ground to 15’ in the air. The benefit of using the genie lift structure over any other structures is the ability to put it out and take it down in a short period of time. For example, if the road closes 10 minutes before the start of the race, the genie lift system can be set up on the side of the road and as soon as the road is closed rolled into place
Scaffolding Structures
Scaffolding comes in 5’ x 7’ x 5’ sections and can be structured on top of one another to form 5’, 10’ and 15’ high towers. Also available is 5′ x 5′ x 5′ scaffolding. Once in place, we secure the horizontal truss structure in between two scaffolding towers. The downside to a scaffolding structure is that it takes up more space then the truss and genie lift structures and it is not as visual appealing if not covered by a banner wrap.

We have a variety of generic signs and banners. In addition to the signage listed below, we have a wide array of commonly used site, course, and traffic signage in our inventory. Please contact us for specifics.
Start Banner
15′ Long x 3′ Wide
White on Blue
Finish Banner
15′ Long x 3′ Wide
White on Blue
Mile Markers
1-26, 5K-40K, 13.1
30′ Long x 30′ Wide or
36′ Long x 24′ Wide
Black on White or White on Blue

Sign Holders
We offer a wide variety of sign holders for your event signage. Listed below is each type of holder, its dimensions and the size of the sign that should be used with each holder. The most common signage applied to our holders are mile markers, directional signs, traffic signs, informational signs and sponsor signs.
“L” Poles
“L” Poles are shaped like an upside down L and have one vertical upright and require one base. “L” Poles are fabricated of ¾” or 1” steel tubing. In many applications, “L” Poles are affixed to French barricades and the sign is displayed over and above the course or crowd. They are also commonly used to identify such as registration or packet pick-up. Also, they can be used to identify the pace-per-mile corrals. Click here to view a diagram of a “L-Pole.”
“H” Poles
“H” Poles are free standing sign holders that are typically used for mile markers on the course or site maps. They have two feet and are held in place by heavy weights. The 6′ H-Pole is the most commonly used. The taller H-Poles are more likely to get knocked over in heavy winds. 30″x 30″ signs are recommended for the 6′ H-Pole and 36″ x 24″ signs are recommended for the 7′, 8′ and 10′ H-Poles.
Super “H” Poles
Super “H” Poles are affixed to the legs of a tent. They are most commonly used with a 10’x10′ tent. Like “L” Poles they are used to identify tents and stand high above the crowd for people to see from a ways away. It is 10′ high by 10′ wide.
“A” Frame Sign Holders
“A” Frame Sign Holders hold coroplast signs. The sign holders are 4′ h x 5′ w.